Friday, June 10, 2011

[ITNT:] Facebook In Trouble For Recognising People's Faces

Hey Reader,

So I read on Metro today (which was actually in the news yesterday) how people are going crazy about Facebook being able to recognise who is in what picture using facial recognition software, enough for European privacy watchdogs to look into it as a legal matter.

Now let's think this through. We're on the internet - it's open source, access to all. These photos that can recognise who is in what photo? Interesting idea. It's been around for some time though, it's not new (see Google's 'Picasa'). Why could it be right? Easier to tag people, privacy settings pre-exist allowing who to see you in what pic through your profile. Why could it be wrong? Maybe someone you don't know happens to have your photo and it auto-tags you in. I don't know truth be told, it's just an assumption as I've not seen it in action. However, going solely off what I've read... opinion is: I think it's ridiculous to get crazy. If you're on Facebook already with photos, you have no issue over having your face on the internet. Who are going to take your photos? People you know. I imagine also that if you don't have photos anyway, it won't be able to recognise you so there's no issue there. Is it wrong that software, which has been around for years, is now being use on Facebook and actually causing a stir big enough to get Facebook in trouble to such an extent? Nah.

I can't wrap my head around why it's such a huge deal. I'm not trying to defend Facebook though, there should have been a notification and details in my opinion. I would prefer to know what changes are being made, rather than being forced to accept it unknowingly.

Agree? Disagree? Did I misunderstand? Share your thoughts below!

-Harish, out!


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